Northern Israeli city hit again and again by Hezbollah rockets

Terrorists operating out of southern Lebanon pound northern Israeli city, scoring multiple hits.

By World Israel News Staff

Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon launched barrages of rockets at the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Shemona Tuesday afternoon and Tuesday evening, with several rockets reportedly landing inside the city and causing damage.

Roughly 30 rocket launches were detected at approximately 2:00 p.m. Tuesday afternoon, with Hezbollah terrorists firing Katyusha-style rockets at Kiryat Shemona, following an Israeli bombardment of terrorist positions in the southern Lebanese town of Kafr Kila.

The IDF’s missile defense network managed to intercept ten of the rockets, but several projectiles managed to hit Kiryat Shemona, including at least one rocket which struck a building, causing property damage.

According to a statement by Israeli police, no injuries were reported in the attack.

Hours later, a second rocket barrage was reported targeting Kiryat Shemona. The Iron Dome missile defense system shot down multiple incoming rockets, though it is unclear if any landed in Israeli territory. There were no injuries reported.

In addition to the two rocket barrages, there were two anti-tank missile attacks from the Ayta ash Shab area of southern Lebanon towards Biranit in northern Israel. No injuries were reported in the missile attacks.

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IDF forces struck back at Hezbollah following the rocket and missile attacks, hitting terrorist positions in Ayta ash Shab, along with command and control centers used to direct rocket attacks in Jabal al-Baba, Majdal Zoun, Houla, and Kafra. In addition, a rocket launcher position was bombed in Matmoura.

Hezbollah terrorists have increased their rocket and missile attacks on Israel this week, with at least nine rocket barrages and missile strikes in the last 24 hours.

On Monday, Pat Nibi Maxwell, a 31-year-old Indian man employed in northern Israel, was killed in a Hezbollah missile attack on the Israeli town of Margaliot.

Seven other foreign workers were injured in the attack, which hit an orchard where the eight were working.