Palestinian group plants trees to block Israeli construction

The leading Palestinian agricultural body claims it will plant trees to obstruct Israeli construction in areas under sovereignty of the Jewish state.

By: World Israel News Staff

A Palestinian group called the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) announced an initiative this week to plant thousands of trees in various parts of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria as part of an effort to thwart the expansion of Jewish communities in areas controlled by the Israeli government.

A press release issued by the group explained that the program is a response to US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The territory in which UAWC plans to plant these trees covers parts of Area C of Judea and Samaria, which is under full Israeli control according to the Oslo Accords.

“This is a reaction to Trump’s decision declaring Jerusalem as the capital of [Israel], which was accompanied by a declaration … to build more than 14,000 housing units in Jerusalem,” explained UAWC.

“The required response … is to strengthen Palestinian steadfastness on the ground,” added the UAWC.

After President Donald Trump announced on December 6 US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and signaled his intention to move the American embassy there, the Israeli Housing Ministry announced a plan to build 6,000 new units as part of a larger project involving 14,000 homes around Jerusalem.

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The Civil Administration, which oversees construction and planting in Judea and Samaria, responded that it knew of the UAWC’s illegal scheme and is prepared to “act against every invasion of state land quickly and decisively.”