Report: Trump assisted Jews evacuated from Gaza and the Sinai

US President-elect Donald Trump, before becoming a politician, donated at least hundreds of thousands of dollars to help resettle evacuees of Israeli Jewish communities in the Sinai and Gaza Strip, a new report indicates.

In the 1980s, Jewish communities in the Sinai Peninsula were demolished in order to give the territory to the Egyptians as part of a peace deal.

In 2005, successful Jewish agricultural communities in Gaza, built on barren and seemingly infertile land, were destroyed in a unilateral move to pave the way for an agreement with the Palestinians. The Hamas terror organization took control of the Strip and has since been attacking the Jewish state relentlessly.

Considering the high cost of resettlement, the Israeli government appealed to the Jewish National Fund and other sources for assistance, according to Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot.

Trump, a billionaire, reportedly contributed significantly to the resettlement of thousands of Israelis.

“We issued an appeal to all Keren Kayemeth leIsrael (KKL) and JNF offices worldwide,” Effie Stenzler, former chairman of the Jewish National Fund, told Yediot Aharonot.

“KKL-USA sought donations in the U.S., and one of them was sought from Trump, who is considered to be an avowed supporter of Israel, and he donated money toward the establishment of infrastructure in new communities,” Stenzler said.

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By: World Israel News Staff