Report: Twitter locked out NY Post until Hunter Biden posts removed

Twitter won’t unlock the New York Post’s account unless it “deletes six tweets about its reporting on 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden,” Fox News reported.

By World Israel News Staff and AP

Last week, Twitter blocked links to a political story about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter, which was published by The New York Post.

The Post reported as of Saturday that the social media giant had locked the paper out of its Twitter account.

“Twitter has refused to unlock the New York Post’s account since Wednesday unless the outlet deletes six tweets about its reporting on 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden,” Fox News reported on Sunday.

The Post report alleges that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was involved in son Hunter Biden’s overseas business ventures, purporting to find a “smoking gun” email from 2015 that contradicted Biden senior’s claim that he knew nothing of his son’s business dealings.

The email, from Vadym Pozharskyi, described as the No. 3 at Burisma, a Ukrainian energy firm on whose board Hunter Biden served while earning $50,000 a month, thanked Hunter for arranging a meeting with then-Vice President Biden.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spen[d] some time together. It’s real[ly] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.

Read  Biden admits top Democrats pressured him not to run for re-election

On Sunday, The Post published an article detailing virulently anti-Trump sentiment among Twitter employees, including tweets hoping the president “die[s] in a fire” and others calling him a “f–king baboon.”

On Thursday, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey apologized for blocking the Hunter Biden story, tweeting, “Straight blocking of URLs was wrong, and we updated our policy and enforcement to fix. Our goal is to attempt to add context, and now we have capabilities to do that.”

After initially blocking people from sharing links to the story Wednesday, on Friday Twitter was letting its users post the link.

Twitter and Facebook had moved quickly to stop people from sharing the Hunter Biden story.

Dorsey had first tweeted that it was “unacceptable” the company hadn’t provided more context around its action.

Facebook said it was “reducing” the story’s distribution on its platform while waiting for third-party fact-checkers to verify it, something it regularly does with material that’s not banned outright from its service, though it risks spreading lies or causing harm in other ways.

Trump is now incorporating Twitter’s action into his campaign rallies, pleading with his supporters to send a message on Election Day to what he described as “censors.”

“We’re not just running against Joe Biden. We’re running against left-wing media and we’re running against big tech,” Trump said.