‘Rigged’ election thwarted Israel-Saudi peace deal, Trump says, gets standing ovation

“We would have had maybe all of them, that includes Saudi Arabia, within a short time after the election,” Trump said.

By World Israel News Staff

At a Republican gathering in Las Vegas on Saturday, former President Donald Trump claimed that a “rigged” 2020 election prevented the signing of a peace deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

In 2020 “we had a really disgraceful election, many millions of votes more than we had in 2016… and the result was, in my opinion, an absolute sham,” he told the audience by video link.

“The election was rigged, and it’s too bad it was,” he said.

“We fought for Israel under my administration like no president in history. I was proud to be the greatest friend Israel ever had in the White House…

“We created peace in the Middle East, something that nobody thought would even be possible to say, let alone get it done,” he added, referring to the Abraham Accords, which normalized ties between Israel and four Arab countries — UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco.

“We would have had maybe all of them, that includes Saudi Arabia, within a short time after the election,” Trump said.

“Tragically, Joe Biden has betrayed Israel and the Jewish community and squandered our amazing success,” he continued, saying that the current administration has “sold out” Israel’s security and was “begging to reenter the Iran deal on even worse terms than before…

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“The [U.S.-Israel] alliance in not strong now, not even by a little bit.”

Trump, who received a standing ovation, promised to continue his pro-Israel policies if re-elected. “We must take back the White House,” he declared.