WATCH: Russian show uses Holocaust theme as entertainment

Bad taste? Is the Holocaust an entertaining theme?

“The Ice Age,” a Russian reality television show, raised the ire of many viewers over the weekend when two celebrity dancers wore uniforms patterned after those worn by inmates in Nazi camps during the Holocaust, including the infamous yellow star.

The pair, Olympic ice dance champion Tatiana Navka and Andrew Burkovsjy, danced and ice-skated to the tune of  “Beautiful that Way” sung by Israeli singer Achinoam Nini, a vocal version of the theme song from the Italian Holocaust film “Life is Beautiful.”

Navka is also the wife of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson.

The show was aired Saturday night on Russia Channel 1, one of the main channels. The show is styled after the US’ “Dancing with the Stars.”

Russian TV has used Nazi themes as a form of entertainment in the past.

Social media users are calling for an apology.

“Holocaust themed skating performance by wife of spokesman for president #Putin. Beyond belief, no words.” Tweeted one user.

“I think @netanyahu should demand apology from Putin for ice skating show making mockery of Holocaust.@EmbassyofRussia,” tweeted another.

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By: World Israel News Staff