Ted Cruz says San Antonio ‘is NUTS’ to ban term ‘Chinese virus’

Texas senator says city of San Antonio’s resolution denouncing anti-Asian bigotry and anti-Semitism “is nuts” for saying the use of the term “Chinese virus” is a hate crime.

By Paul Shindman, World Israel News

Texas Senator Ted Cruz on Thursday blasted a city of San Antonio motion that denounced the use of terms that call the coronavirus pandemic the “Chinese virus.”

A resolution passed by the San Antonio city council denounced anti-Asian bigotry, anti-Semitism and the use of terms like “Chinese virus” or “Kung Fu virus” that the council said encourages hate crimes. “Hate crimes … against Asians and Jews are on the rise throughout the country as these groups are being blamed for the COVID-19 outbreak…” the resolution said.

Cruz was offended by the council decision.

“This is NUTS,” Cruz said in a tweet. “SA City Council behaving like a lefty college faculty lounge, triggered by Chick-fil-A & the words “Wuhan virus.” If they want to investigate someone, start with NYT & CNN who both repeatedly (and rightly) referred to it as “the Chinese coronavirus.” #NoSpeechPolice”

At a press conference, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg fired back.

“I will respectfully disagree with the assessment of that tweet,” Nirenberg said. “Look, we know, unfortunately, that in a crisis like this we see not only the best of humanity, but in small doses thankfully in San Antonio, we also see the opposite.”

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The two elected officials both tweeted their different approaches to the issue of Jews being targeted for blame and Asians being accosted as coronavirus infections soar across the country and the death rate climbed past 75,000.

Cruz tweeted that he took part in a discussion earlier this week with the online Jewish publication Tablet Magazine “to talk about the disturbing rise of anti-Semitism in NYC.” Cruz said he called for Attorney-General William Barr “to investigate Mayor de Blasio & other officials who target and discriminate against religious communities under the guise of protecting public health.”

De Blasio criticized the Jewish community after several hundred people attended the funeral of a prominent rabbi in violation of public health requirements.

“COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate, so neither will we. Let’s continue to do our part & treat each other with respect,” Nirenberg tweeted. “Select terms surrounding COVID-19 have caused certain businesses & communities, particularly of Asian & Jewish origin, to face discrimination & hateful rhetoric. We’re not going to tolerate that here.”