Tensions high in Israel’s south following rocket barrage

Israel ordered schools closed and restricted movement near the Gaza Strip.

By World Israel News Staff 

Tensions are high on the Gaza border following a rocket barrage launched early Sunday evening starting at 5:45 p.m. by the Islamic Jihad. That event followed an earlier attack on Sunday morning in which Islamic Jihad terrorists attempted to plant a mine adjacent to the Gaza Strip security fence.

In response, IDF fighter jets struck dozens of Islamic Jihad terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, and more unusually, Islamic Jihad terror targets south of Damascus.

Following a situation assessment, the IDF Home Front Command issued instructions for civilians in communities bordering the Gaza Strip that are in effect until Monday, 8:00 p.m.

In the Gaza Strip area, in the cities of Ashkelon, Netivot and Sderot, and in the Hof Askelon, Eshkol, Sdot Negev and Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Councils, no more than 300 people may congregate in closed spaces.

Educational activities will not take place.

Non-essential jobs will take place on condition that nearby designated shelters may be reached by in the required time.

As for the rest of the country- it has been decided to maintain a normal civilian routine.

The IDF also decided to block areas and routes adjacent to the Gaza Strip security fence.

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In addition, it has been decided to close the Zikim Beach for visitors.

In order to protect themselves, civilians are required to avoid any stops by the side of the road in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip.

Israeli reprisals

Overnight Sunday, the IDF struck an Islamic Jihad compound outside of Damascus, used as a hub of Islamic Jihad’s activity in Syria.

In the compound, the Islamic Jihad conducts research and development of weapons, both by adapting them to manufacturing in the Gaza Strip as well as for local manufacturing in Syria.

In addition, dozens of kilograms of explosives, used as rocket fuel, are manufactured on site. Another activity that takes place in the compound is the technical training of terror operatives, both from the Gaza Strip and the north.

Israel also hit dozens of Islamic Jihad terror targets in the Gaza Strip. In Rafah, the targets struck were underground infrastructures as well as compounds used to store raw material used for manufacturing of rockets.

Also hit were the headquarters of the Islamic Jihad’s Khan Yunis Brigade, which includes a training compound for anti-tank missile use, as well as military equipment used by the terror organization’s naval commando force.

In Beit Lahia, a military training compound of the Islamic Jihad was targeted as well.

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“The IDF will respond to any terror acts of the Islamic Jihad that endanger Israeli civilians and harm its sovereignty,” the Army said in a statement.