Terrorist’s funeral livestreamed to Israeli prison via smuggled phone

Funeral of Islamic Jihad terrorist Ahmed Daraghmeh was broadcast to his incarcerated brother in an Israeli prison, thanks to an illicit smartphone.

By World Israel News Staff

A terrorist currently incarcerated in an Israeli prison watched his brother’s funeral on Monday afternoon, thanks to a smartphone that had been smuggled into his ostensibly high-security unit.

Ahmed Khaled Daraghmeh, a Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative, was killed during clashes between the terror group and Israeli army forces operating in Jenin.

Daraghmeh’s brother Muhaib, who is serving a sentence for terror-related charges at Ketziot Prison in southern Israel, was able to participate in the funeral virtually.

Someone at Daraghmeh’s funeral video called the prisoner, and images of the incarcerated man viewing the body of his slain brother quickly went viral on Palestinian social media.

Likely embarrassed by the widespread distribution of the photos, which demonstrated a major security failure on the part of the correctional institution, prison authorities placed Daraghmeh in solitary confinement as a punitive measure.

Associates of Daraghmeh then rioted for several hours, which culminated with them setting a prison cot’s mattress on fire.

Eventually, guards were able to quell the riot and the prisoners who participated in the disturbance were also placed in solitary confinement.

On Monday, firefights between Israeli troops and Jenin-based terror groups left six Palestinians dead. At least four of those killed were claimed by Palestinian Islamic Jihad as being members of the organization.

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Seven Israeli soldiers were wounded by a roadside improvised explosive device during the clashes. One of the soldiers was released from the hospital several hours later, while six remained hospitalized as of Tuesday morning.

Later on Monday, two Israeli soldiers were wounded in a car-ramming attack in northern Samaria, near the Palestinian Authority-controlled town of Nazlet Zeid.

“The soldiers responded with live fire,” the IDF said in a statement, adding that the perpetrators of the attack were shot by troops.