‘Woke Lunacy’? Thanksgiving promotes White Supremacy and genocide, liberals say

Liberal news outlets are promoting the claim that the Thanksgiving holiday is based on White mythology; Conservatives are pushing back.

By World Israel News Staff

Progressives and liberal news outlets across the U.S. are labeling the annual national Thanksgiving holiday a celebration of White Supremacy and genocide against Native Americans.

A CNN article, titled “National Day of Mourning turns Thanksgiving into something more honest,” says that “there’s little similarity between the actual harvest feast in 1621 that eventually inspired Thanksgiving and the event’s commemoration in popular culture.”

“For many Native people, Thanksgiving represents the dark shadow of genocide and the resilience of Native people, rather than peace and shared prosperity between Native Americans and Pilgrims,” according to a USA Today report.

“What is Thanksgiving to Indigenous people? ‘A day of mourning’,” the report says.

The news site interviewed some Native Americans, some of whom do not observe the holiday, while others use it as an opportunity to celebrate Indigenous culture rather than the traditional story of Thanksgiving.

In a “take on the real story of Thanksgiving and some history you’ve probably never read in your schoolbooks,” Native American Gyassi Ross, in a segment on MSNBC, says the “mythology of Thanksgiving closely mirrors the mythology of America. That mythology is the image that White Americans love to see of themselves.”

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“The truth…is much different,” he asserts.

On Thanksgiving, “there is much for White Americans to be thankful for,” Ross continues. “Instead of bringing stuffing and biscuits, those settlers brought genocide and violence.”

He goes on to claim that the “genocide and violence is still on the menu as state-sponsored violence against its Native and Black Americans is commonplace….

“Violent White Supremacy is celebrated and subsidized,” he alleges.

“Return the land. Match the mythology. Then, and only then, we can all be equally thankful,” he concludes.

“Come for the lies; stay for the anti-American hate,” Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz tweeted with a link to the MSNBC “corporate message: Thanksgiving sucks.”

Other Conservatives concurred with Cruz, Fox News noted.

“We should encourage this from Democrats- more woke lunacy, please,” tweeted Buck Sexton, co-host of The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton radio show, Fox reported.

“Degrade the greatest country ever created. Spit all over our traditions. Finally, a solid majority of Americans are seeing the Left for what it is. A reckoning is coming. Midterms will be just the start,” Sexton added.