The Kamala – Obama parallels

The more you look at Kamala, the more you see these parallels with Obama.

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine

A lot of conservatives ridicule Kamala as an empty pantsuit with no real ideas or identity of her own. And she certainly provides plenty of ammunition for that position, but there is also another Kamala story.

It’s the familiar story of an urban machine politician who was raised outside America without a father, born to a radical third-world student resentful of British colonialism, faked a black American identity, and used racial identity politics to get ahead all the while harboring a deep resentment of America.

It’s Obama’s bio, but it could just as easily be Kamala’s.

Kamala saw herself as the next Obama even while she was running for Senate. She always believed that she would one day follow in his footsteps.

Kamala’s risky decision to break with the party and back Obama over Hillary Clinton was based on their pre-existing relationship, and it paid off. As Kamala prepared for a Senate run, she saw herself as him.

“She wants to live the life of someone in the White House,” a strategist described Kamala in 2015, “and she hasn’t even won the Senate yet. Her hanging around the president and first lady”, referencing the Obamas, “it’s gotten her hooked. She thinks it’s her birthright and it’s not.”

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Even before she was born, their stars had already crossed.

Donald Warden had a message, “the time has come to break with white America.”

After the Watts riots, Warden, who would later convert to Islam and take the name Khaled Al-Mansour, released an album titled “Burn, Baby Burn”, celebrating the riots and looting. “The black man cannot take anymore, he is now looking to burn,” he warned.

Warden’s vehicle for spreading his hate was the Afro American Association. And that was where Kamala’s parents met.

The ‘Association’ had been created to study “Black Identity.” It banned white people and even non-black ones from joining. With only one exception. Kamala’s mother.

Donald Warden later converted to Islam and changed his name to Khaled El-Mansour. Warden/Mansour would go on to help found the Black Panthers. And, once he was on the Saudi payroll, solicited money and recommendation letters for Obama to go to Harvard.

Obama and Kamala both took a racist pastor as their inspiration and guiding light.

“America has not changed” since the days of segregation, Kamala’s pastor had argued while revisiting the killing of Emmett Till.

“This sin of race is so deep, so pervasive in the body politic of America that if we don’t find a remnant to help turn things around, America is going to go down.”

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This was the bigot of whom Vice President Kamala Harris had said, “for two decades now, at least, I have turned to you… And I will say that your wisdom has really guided me and grounded me during some of the most difficult times. And – and you have been a source of inspiration to me always.”

“Ohhhh — America,” Brown gleefully chanted after 9/11, “what did you do?”

Brown and Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s racist pastor, were friends. Brown had hosted Wright and his hate at the church of which Kamala is a member.

The more you look at Kamala, the more you see these parallels with Obama.