Trump plans big rallies in campaign to contest vote

At the rallies, Trump will feature obituaries of people who voted as evidence of fraud, Fox News reports.

By David Isaac, World Israel News

President Donald Trump plans to revive the large-scale rallies he held during his campaign, only this time the events will be focused on his legal battle against a vote he claims was riddled with fraud, Axios and Fox News reported.

At the rallies, Trump will feature obituaries of people who voted as evidence of fraud, Fox News reports.

On Saturday, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani pressed claims that so-called poll watchers, who observe as ballots are counted, were not allowed to get close enough to witness counting, the Associated Press reports.

That news organization called the election for Democratic challenger Joe Biden minutes before Giuliani’s press conference.

Giuliani said, “We were deprived of the right to inspect if a single one of those ballots is legitimate. That is unheard of, it’s illegal, it’s unconstitutional, and we will be bringing an action challenging that.”

The City of Philadelphia Board of Elections admitted it kept poll watchers from counters, but argued it did so for reasons of security and social distancing.

A decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court may have also violated the Constitution with three Supreme Court justices arguing that there was a “strong likelihood” that it had done so. Those justices are Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neal Gorusch.

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On Friday, Alito ordered the state’s county election boards to separate mail-in ballots received after 8:00 p.m. on Election Day in case the Supreme Court decides to weigh in on the decision, which allowed the counting of ballots received up to three days after Election Day. Those ballots were required to have been postmarked up to Election Day, but the state ruled that even if the postmark wasn’t legible they could be counted.

The Trump campaign has also filed suit in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona. The first three have already been rejected by state judges.

David Bossie, president of Citizens United and in charge of Trump’s legal strategy, told Fox News on Friday, “The campaign’s figuring out exactly what our legal remedies are.”

“We’re going to fight for every single legal vote, and we’re going to make sure we fight for those illegal votes to be thrown out,” he said.

The Wall Street Journal reports on Sunday, “Many of the lawsuits they have filed so far are limited in scope, making them unlikely to produce large vote swings even if successful.”

The Journal reports that the Trump team’s legal strategy as outlined by Giuliani will focus on three issues – blocking poll watchers from observing the counting, voting by deceased individuals and the backdating of ballots.