US citizens living in Israel receive Pennsylvania ballots 5 weeks after election, raising questions about results

“This makes it absolutely clear that there is a serious glitch in the system that must be explained,” said Joshua Wander.

By Josh Plank, World Israel News

Pennsylvania sent email ballots to dual citizens in Israel over five weeks after election day creating further doubts about the integrity of U.S. elections, Israel365 News reported Thursday.

“This makes it absolutely clear that there is a serious glitch in the system that must be explained,” said former Pittsburgh resident Joshua Wander, one of the reported recipients of the ballots, who now lives in Israel.

Wander told Israel365 News‘ Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz that he was shocked when he opened his email on Thursday morning, December 10, to discover three sets of email ballots and instructions to vote in the presidential elections that were held on November 3.

The emails continued to roll in throughout the day, one about every four hours.

“Because you indicated on your absentee ballot application that you would like to receive your ballot electronically for the upcoming election, this notice is being provided to assist you in accessing your ballot materials,” said the email, which was sent from the Pennsylvania government’s official email address.

However, Wander had already mailed in a paper ballot prior to the election.

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As the news spread across social media, more former Pennsylvania residents came forward with the same story.

“My husband and I each received three sets of emails with attachments giving detailed instructions about voting,” said Devorah Freeland.

“How can they report election results if they don’t even know who or when they are sending out mail-in ballots?” she said.

“I also received these emails today and I am registered in Philadelphia,” said Rose Wolfeld.

“I just received my fifth ballot today from Pennsylvania,” Mordechai Rosenthal reported.

Rosenthal said that he feels the emails prove “that our votes were totally ignored.”

In fact, several of the voters also reported that they have been unable to verify online that their mail-in votes were ever counted, receiving messages instead that said, “We are unable to match your information with our records.”

Only around 17% of U.S. voters in Israel said they would support Joe Biden in pre-election polls, but it is currently unknown whether the Pennsylvania emails may be evidence of an attempt to suppress the Israeli vote or simply a glitch in the system.

While the reports are so far limited to at least five Pennsylvania voters living in Israel, the problem could be more widespread.

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“It certainly indicates that their voting system was not working as it should,” Berkowitz told World Israel News.

“The problem could be much bigger, but if it’s not investigated, no one will ever know,” he said.