‘We’ll bomb Tel Aviv, Haifa if Israel expands war,’ says Hezbollah

Pro-Iranian Lebanese terror group threatens to attack major Israeli cities if Israel escalates ongoing border war.

By World Israel News Staff

The Lebanon-based terror group Hezbollah threatened to bomb two of Israel’s largest cities if the IDF expands its counter-terror operation against Hezbollah forces attacking northern Israeli cities.

Hezbollah terrorists have hammered Israeli border towns and IDF positions in northern Israel since October 8th, a day after Hamas’ invasion of southwestern Israel.

The IDF has responded by attacking Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon, and with targeted killings of key Hezbollah officials in central and northern Lebanon, including in Baalbek, a Hezbollah stronghold.

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah threatened Wednesday to invade Israel’s Galilee region and to attack Cyprus, accusing the island nation of allying itself with Israel.

Nasrallah vowed that Cyprus would be considered “a part of the war” if it continues to allow Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises.

“Opening Cypriot airports and bases to the Israeli enemy to target Lebanon would mean that the Cypriot government is part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war,” Nasrallah warned.

Israel responded Wednesday by approving plans for an expanded military operation against Hezbollah inside Lebanon.

Read  Hezbollah vows to intensify attacks against Israel after senior military commander is killed

On Thursday, Hezbollah warned that such an operation would lead the terror group to unleash massive attacks on major Israeli cities, including Haifa and Tel Aviv, the Lebanon-based Elnashra newspaper reported.

“It is not by chance that Haifa was included in the equation of the war currently being waged in southern Lebanon,” Elnashra reported.

“This city has been marked by Hezbollah as a target in the event of an expansion of the war. If the Israelis enter into large-scale military confrontations… in the area south and north of Litani, Haifa will be a legitimate target for Hezbollah.”

Hezbollah sources quoted by the paper said the terror group had intelligence on key Israeli arms factories, along with guided missiles capable of destroying the targets.

They added that Hezbollah would respond to an expanded IDF operation in Lebanon by systematically targeting Israel’s missile defense systems, including the Iron Dome network and David’s Sling.