Widow of Gazan rocket victim gives birth to their second child

The baby was born Tuesday morning and will be named after his father, according to the report.

By World Israel News Staff 

The widow of an Ashdod man who was killed in a Hamas rocket attack has given birth to a son, reports the Arutz 7 website.

Nearly four months ago, Pinchas Menachem Pashwazman, 21, an American-Israeli Hasidic man, was killed during a massive barrage of over 40 rockets from Gazan terrorists on a number of southern Israeli localities.

Apparently, he had been walking on a street in the port city of Ashdod, or just emerged from his car, when the air raid siren sounded.  He ran for cover in a nearby building but was hit by shrapnel when he entered the stairwell.

He and his wife already had one small child. The new baby was born Tuesday morning and will be named after his father, according to the report.

The attack in which Pinchas Menachem died took place on Sunday evening, May 5. Just hours later, about 4:30 a.m. on Monday the 6th, a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas went into effect.

The round of fighting had been the worst since Israel’s 2014 Operation Protective Edge. Over 700 rockets were fired at Israel by Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists over the course of just a few days.

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Four Israelis, including Pashwazman, were killed.