Yair Netanyahu suspended from Facebook, Twitter after sharing MK’s home address

The official Likud Party account on Facebook addressed the suspension, calling it “censoring the right” and accusing Facebook and Twitter of meddling in Israeli politics.

By Tobias Siegal, World Israel News

Yair Netanyahu’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts were blocked on Friday, after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son shared the address of Yemina MK Nir Orbach on the social media platforms.

Yair had shared Orbach’s home address together with a statement calling on people to protest outside his house as an effort to pressure the wavering MK to oppose a the unity government between Yemina and Yesh Atid.

Initially blocked for 24 hours on Facebook, Yair then saw his private account suspended by Twitter for 12 hours. Explaining the decision, the tech giant issued a statement noting that by sharing the private address of an official without their consent was a violation of the platform’s policies.

Netanyahu and right-wing activists criticized the decision, claiming that it was an attempt to silence their political agenda.

“The persecution, censuring and silencing of right-wing activists by social media platforms has crossed a new line,” Yair said following his suspension.



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The official Likud Party account on Facebook addressed the incident, calling it “censoring the right” and accusing Facebook and Twitter of meddling in Israeli politics.

Other right-wing activists who had shared Yair’s post with Orbach’s home address were also suspended and such posts have since been deleted.

Orbach is expected to reach a decision on Sunday whether he will support the Lapid-Bennett unity government or oppose it. If he chooses to oppose such a coalition, it would create a new problem for Yemina leader Naftali Bennett and Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid, whose coalition is currently supported by a majority of 61-59 of the 120 members of Knesset.