World News

US air force

US expands war on ISIS to Libya

The US army has broadened its war against the Islamic State terror group in the Middle East and resumed bombing ISIS targets in Libya.
August 2, 2016

WATCH: Trump calls Clinton the ‘devil’

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump says Senator Bernie Sanders 'made a deal with the Devil' when he endorsed Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
August 2, 2016
Mike Pence

WATCH: Mike Pence expresses support for Israel

In 2014, on an economic mission to Israel, then governor of Indiana Mike Pence, the Republican party’s vice presidential candidate, expressed his deep support for Israel.
August 1, 2016
Adolf Hitler

Residents of Hitler’s birthplace loathe him, not the building

Many people want to see the home in which Hitler was born razed to the ground, but residents of Braunau am Inn say that while they wish they could erase any association between their community and Hitler, the building is just a building and should be left intact.
July 25, 2016
Ansbach attack

Germany: suicide bomber wounds 12

For the fourth time in the past week, a Muslim man committed an attack against civilians in Germany. German authorities are still denying they have a problem of Islamic violence.
July 25, 2016
Steal olympic torch in RIO

WATCH: Man tries stealing Olympic torch

Police arrested a man who tried stealing the Olympic torch on the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Sunday morning before being tackled to the ground.
July 24, 2016
Witold Waszczykowski

Poland’s leaders avoid responsibility for pogroms against Jews

After Polish Education Minister Anna Zalewska avoided confirming the responsibility of the Poles for the Jedwabne and Kielce massacres in which hundreds of Jews were brutally murdered, Foreign Minister Witold Wszczykowski appeared to defend her.
July 24, 2016
ISIS bombing Afghanistan

ISIS bombing in Afghanistan kills 81

While it has been slowed somewhat by coalition forces led by the US, ISIS continues to threaten the free world and will likely succeed in its mission to terrorize the West unless it is stopped quickly and with full force.
July 24, 2016
article placeholder

Clinton announces Sen. Tim Kaine as VP pick

Ahead of next week's Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton introduced running mate Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as 'a progressive who likes to get things done.'
July 23, 2016
Terror in Munich, Germany

Terror in Munich – 9 dead, several wounded

An 18-year-old Iranian-German lured shoppers to a Munich mall Friday evening, where he shot to death nine victims, mostly teens, and wounded many more before killing himself.
July 23, 2016
Donald Trump

Trump: ‘Our plan will put America first’

Donald Trump accepted the Republican nomination for president Thursday, promising anxious Americans that they will be safer and richer if he is elected in November.
July 22, 2016
Sheikh Saleh al-Fozan

Muslim clerics renew edict banning Pokemon

Saudi Arabia's top clerics renewed a religious edict that warns against playing Pokemon - first issued in 2001 when the game was played with cards - this time as the wildly popular mobile phone application 'Pokemon Go.'
July 21, 2016
Ban Ki-moon

UN chief: Iran deal marks ‘fundamental shift’

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on all member states to support the full and effective implementation of the agreement. However, over the past year since the signing of the nuclear deal, Iran has repeatedly defied UN resolutions regarding its missile development.
July 21, 2016

US hits 3 Iran-based terror leaders with sanctions

While the Obama administration has signed a nuclear deal with Iran and has released $150 billion in funds which Iran will use to finance terror around the globe, the US still acts to sanction terrorists.
July 21, 2016
Damascus Gate stabbing victim

US court reverses ruling that penalizes Iran for terror

The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan rejected a judge's reasoning in ordering the sale of a 36-story office building and other properties to benefit family members of victims of Iran-sponsored terror attacks.
July 21, 2016
Ali Akbar Salehi

Iran threatens to renew uranium enrichment

Iran's high-level enriched uranium is believed to be used for one purpose only - to develop nuclear bombs, though it denies it has intentions to build a nuclear weapon.
July 21, 2016
ISIS Libya

UN: ISIS faces possible defeat in Libya

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon claims in a new report to the UN Security Council that ISIS is severely weakened and fighters will likely end up fleeing, dispersing to other parts of the region.
July 20, 2016