Fighting deportation, Iraqi rapist claims he’s Jewish and gay

The man was convicted of the statutory rape of a 12-year-old girl in 2020, just months after arriving in Britain.

By Adina Katz, World Israel News

An Iraqi migrant fighting deportation from the United Kingdom following his conviction for sexually assaulting a child falsely claimed to be Jewish and gay in order to stay in the country, the Jewish Chronicle reported.

The man, who under UK law cannot be identified by name, was convicted of the statutory rape of a 12-year-old girl in 2020, just months after he arrived in Britain.

He served a three-year prison sentence and was slated to be deported immediately following his release.

But once he received notice of the government’s intention to send him back to his home country, the rapist launched a legal battle that included a number of far-fetched reasons why his deportation would constitute a human rights violation.

The man suddenly claimed that he was Jewish, saying that his life would be at risk due to his religious identity in the Islamic country, according to the JC report. He was unable to provide any corroborating evidence that backed up this assertion.

He also announced that he was gay, despite having been convicted of heterosexual rape, and therefore would be in mortal danger should he be deported.

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Finally, he said that his father had joined the Islamic State terror group – in stark contrast to his earlier claim of being from a Jewish family – and asserted that he would be persecuted by Iraqi authorities for this reason.

These stories failed to sway an immigration judge at Manchester Civil Justice Center, who said that his assertions were “implausible.”

Judge Susan Michelle Kebede noted that the man had made none of the recent claims about his identity on his original request for his asylum in the UK. She determined that his story was “inconsistent” and “fabricated in all respects,” paving the way for his deportation.