France demands Israel retract plans for 566 new Jerusalem homes January 23, 2017French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault. (AP/Ivan Sekretarev) (AP/Ivan Sekretarev)France demands Israel retract plans for 566 new Jerusalem homesFrance demands that Israel cancel the Jerusalem municipality’s plan to add 566 new Jewish homes in the city. France is calling for Israel to cancel the Jerusalem municipality’s plan to build an additional 566 Jewish homes in areas of Jerusalem that Israel won from Jordan in the Six-Day War of 1967.“Settlements constitute a grave threat to the two-state solution, to which the international community reiterated its commitment at the international conference in Paris on January 15,” said a spokesman for France’s Foreign Ministry.“UN Security Council Resolution 2334 reiterated the illegality of the settlements under international law and called for it to immediately and completely halt.”The UN Security Council resolution referenced by the spokesman was passed by the UN Security Council in December when Obama ordered his US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power not to veto the resolution. It condemned any Israeli presence in eastern portions of Jerusalem such as the Western Wall and the rest of the Old City.France, which recently sponsored an international summit in Paris that concentrated on creating a new state for the Palestinian Authority, accused then President-elect Trump of engaging in a “provocative” plan to move the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News Donald TrumpFranceJerusalemUN Security CouncilUS embassy