IDF: 24 Palestinians killed on Gaza border were terrorists

At least 24 of the Palestinians killed during Monday’s violence on the Gaza border were terrorists, the IDF reported.

By: World Israel News Staff

At least 24 of the Palestinians killed during Monday’s violence on the Gaza border were terrorists, the IDF stated Tuesday.

The IDF and the Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) have identified 24 terrorists “with documented terror backgrounds” who were killed during the violent riots along the Gaza border.

Most of the killed terrorists were Hamas operatives, and some were operatives of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

In one of the incidents documented by the IDF, eight terrorists were killed after firing on IDF forces defending the border.

The IDF received intelligence that Hamas operatives were preparing to cross through the security fence from northern Gaza. IDF Special Forces arrived at the scene, and the eight armed terrorists hurled pipe bombs and grenades at the soldiers.

The IDF troops used riot dispersal means to distance the terrorists from the fence, and the terrorists shot back at the soldiers. The soldiers responded with accurate fire, “thwarting a significant shooting attack,” the IDF stated.

Following the shooting attack, an IDF tank and Israel Air Force aircraft targeted Hamas military positions in northern Gaza.

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A total of 60 Palestinian rioters were killed during the Hamas-led massive onslaught on Israel’s border.

It was the most lethal day on the Gaza border since Israel’s 2014 counter-terrorism operation in Gaza, Protective Edge.

The heavy Palestinian casualties caused the violence to diminish on Tuesday, with only 4,000 rioters participating in the mayhem, a tenth of the 40,000 rioters on Monday. The rioters hurled firebombs and burned tires with the intention of igniting fires in Israeli territory.

IDF troops responded with riot dispersal means and fired live rounds selectively in accordance with standard operating procedures.

Additionally, some 700 Palestinians violently rioted throughout Judea and Samaria. The rioters hurled rocks and firebombs, and IDF repelled the rioters with crowd control means.