IDF uncovers terror cell that ordered weapon parts via the internet March 8, 2017IDF forces at the exposed store. (IDF Spokesman)(IDF Spokesman)IDF uncovers terror cell that ordered weapon parts via the internetIsraeli forces exposed a Palestinian cell that bought weapon parts through the internet and sold them in the Shechem area.Over recent months, the IDF has been conducting an ongoing operation against illegal Palestinian weapons production and sales in the Judea and Samaria region, including a special focus in the Shechem (Nablus) area.The operation led to the exposure of a Palestinian terror cell that ordered weapons parts via the internet and sold them. Over the past few months, four firearms and hundreds of weapon parts sold by the cell were seized in several operations. The special Shechem operation began when intelligence revealed that many packages containing weapons parts had been ordered via the internet and delivered to one address in the city.On Tuesday night, Israeli security forces uncovered a store in Nablus that sold the weaponry; hundreds of weapons parts and ammunition were seized. The store owner and eight other suspects were apprehended and transferred to security forces for further questioning.In addition, another store, a bridal salon, suspected of receiving and selling weapons parts over the past few years, was uncovered.Since the beginning of 2016, in a special effort to stop prolific Palestinian weapons production, Israeli forces have rounded up more than 400 firearms and closed at least 36 weapons-production plants. They have arrested more than 160 suspects tied to the production and selling of illegal weapons that were used in many attacks against Israeli civilians.Read ‘Like trying to empty the ocean with a spoon’: Israel battles surge in illegal weaponsIn related news, IDF forces conducted counter-terror raids throughout Judea and Samaria overnight Tuesday. They arrested 16 Palestinians wanted in connection with terrorism and acts of violence, including a Hamas terror group member.By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News Improvised weaponsJudea and SamariaPalestinian terrorshechem