Ilhan Omar, ‘The Squad’ call on Trump to raise money for illegals during pandemic

“It is absurd and cruel,” said Rep. Ilhan Omar.

By Aaron Sull, World Israel News

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and three other progressive Democrats, commonly referred to as “The Squad,” have called on President Donald Trump to take care of the country’s illegal immigrants during the coronavirus pandemic, reports The New York Post.

“It is absurd and cruel that a taxpaying, mixed-status couple or family could be excluded from this relief. Over 140,000 Minnesotans live in mixed-status families of some form,” Omar wrote in a statement in reference to the government’s $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package.

“As currently written, many Minnesotans who are in this country legally or part of a mixed-status family will not receive any stimulus money, even if one of them has a social security number but the other does not,” she added.

In response to the Post article, Omar “fixed” the story’s headline that read “‘Squad’ members want to make illegal immigrants eligible for coronavirus aid” by crossing out “illegal immigrants” and replacing it with “American Taxpayers.”

In a proposal titled “Automatic BOOST to Communities Act,” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) called for debit cards pre-loaded with $2,000 to be sent to every person in the U.S., including illegal immigrants to help ease financial loss caused by the coronavirus. The debit cards would be reloaded with $1,000 monthly until one year after the end of the coronavirus crisis.

Read  Why pro-Israel groups aren’t going after Ilhan Omar, even after helping oust other Squad members

In an interview with MSNBC on April 7, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) said: “We need to center the humanity of every individual family and workers and that includes not leaving behind undocumented and uninsured.”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said illegal immigrants must be given healthcare by law to save them from the deadly virus.

“The question is, are our elected officials going to allow people to die? Would they prefer people to die or not have health care than actually guarantee health care?” Ocasio-Cortez told the Queens Daily Eagle earlier this month.

“There are quite a few who will make that choice,” she added.