Israel’s interior minister: Tlaib hates Israel more than she loves her grandmother

“Apparently her hate for Israel overcomes her love for her grandmother,” Aryeh Deri tweeted.

By World Israel News Staff 

“Apparently her hate for Israel overcomes her love for her grandmother,” Israel’s Interior Minister Aryeh Deri tweeted on August 16 after permitting Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) to visit her grandmother.

On August 15, Tlaib had asked that she be allowed to visit her 90-year-old grandmother Muftia Tlaib, who lives in an Arab village in Samaria. She made the request after her planned visit to Israel with Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) was turned down by Israel’s government.

Deri granted her request on Friday after receiving a letter from Tlaib in which she wrote, “This could be my last opportunity to see her.” Tlaib also said, “I will respect any restrictions and will not promote boycotts against Israel during my visit.”

Immediately after Deri approved her request, Tlaib reversed herself.

She tweeted, “Silencing me & treating me like a criminal is not what she wants for me. It would kill a piece of me. I have decided that visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions stands against everything I believe in – fighting against racism, oppression & injustice.”

Deri tweeted in reply, “I approved her request as a gesture of goodwill on a humanitarian basis, but it was just a provocative request, aimed at bashing the State of Israel. Apparently her hate for Israel overcomes her love for her grandmother.”

The government had initially approved the trip of Omar and Tlaib despite their support for BDS. The government changed its mind after learning details of the itinerary, which included meetings with Palestinian officials only, including some connected to terror groups, and no Israelis outside of B’Tselem, a radical anti-Israel NGO.

Read  Rashida Tlaib under fire for holding 'War Criminal' sign during Netanyahu speech

The itinerary was headlined “U.S. Congressional Delegation to Palestine,” a country that doesn’t exist. Israel concluded the trip was meant as a provocation.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the itinerary “revealed that they planned a visit whose sole objective is to strengthen the boycott against us and deny Israel’s legitimacy.”

It has emerged that the trip was organized by Mifteh, which has published numerous anti-Semitic articles, including a Medieval blood libel and a neo-Nazi treatise.