Netanyahu slams ‘fake news’ at party toast, using term coined by Trump

The Israeli leader, amid corruption allegations, adopted the term coined by US President Donald Trump, lashing out at the “fake news industry.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has lashed out at the “fake news industry” over media coverage of investigations into corruption allegations Wednesday evening.

Addressing thousands of supporters who arrived at the airport from all over the country for the annual Likud party toast ahead of the Jewish new year, which this year falls Wednesday evening, September 20, the prime minister said that Israelis appreciate the government’s achievements, which are ignored by the overwhelming majority of the press, which prefers to portray the Jewish state as isolated, warning of a “diplomatic tsunami.”

“They simply don’t want the citizens of Israel to see our success,” he stated.

Netanyahu used US President Donald Trump’s term “fake news” regarding the Israeli media, calling it an “industry of depression.”

“They won’t defeat us in the polling stations,” Netanyahu asserted. “The public is sick of the press that has been drafted, and the public knows the truth.”

Netanyahu also criticized the weekly protests held outside the attorney general’s home demanding he be indicted, saying they demonstrate a contempt for democracy.

“Not only do they [the left] despise us,” he said. “They despise something much deeper: They despise the choice of the people and they despise the democracy in whose name they protest.”

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Police have questioned Netanyahu over allegations he received gifts from Hollywood and business figures. A separate probe is looking into secret talks with the publisher of a major Israeli newspaper in which Netanyahu allegedly requested positive coverage in exchange for reining in a free pro-Netanyahu daily.

Netanyahu denies any wrongdoing and says the allegations are part of a political witch hunt by hostile media.

By: World Israel News Staff
AP contributed to this report.