NY Post blasts university for inviting Hunter Biden to teach ‘fake news’

“Considering Hunter has not been the subject of fake news, only sycophantic news, we wonder what his speech will be about,” said the New York Post editorial board.

By Josh Plank, World Israel News

The New York Post published an editorial Wednesday criticizing Tulane University’s decision to have Hunter Biden, the U.S. president’s son, help teach a class this fall on “fake news.”

“Considering Hunter has not been the subject of fake news, only sycophantic news, we wonder what his speech will be about,” the editorial said.

“Tulane apparently hasn’t caught up to the fact that he doesn’t even deny the veracity of the Post‘s reporting of his abandoned laptop — reporting that has held up 100 percent from the start, despite the disinformation campaign by Democrats and Big Tech to suggest otherwise,” said the Post.

“We guess that’s Hunter’s experience: He’s still pushing the debunked claim that the info all comes via Russian hackers,” the editorial said.

According to a syllabus obtained by the Daily Mail, Hunter Biden tops the list of 10 media and political “guest speakers” for Tulane’s course, which is titled “Media Polarization and Public Policy Impacts.”

“America’s rapidly advancing partisan divide is fueled substantially by the growing political polarization increasingly evident in our news media. This course will explore the current state of the media landscape in the United States and how media polarization, fake news and the economics of the news business impact public policymaking in Washington, DC,” the course description says.

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The Post first broke the story on the discovery of incriminating information from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop during last year’s presidential campaign.

Earlier this month, Hunter Biden told CBS that he did not know whether the laptop was his, but he admitted that it could have been.

“There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me,” he said.

In October, President Joe Biden told CBS that the laptop story was Russian disinformation. “It’s a smear campaign,” he said.

He doubled down on the claim in December when a Fox News reporter asked him, “Do you still think that the stories from the fall about your son Hunter were Russian disinformation and a smear campaign like you said?”

“Yes, yes, yes. God love you, man. You’re a one-horse pony,” the president answered.

Fox News obtained a photo in October allegedly showing Hunter Biden’s signature on paperwork from the computer repair shop where he is said to have dropped off the laptop, which contained emails related to family business ventures and many photos of a personal nature.