World News

Egyptian shroud worn by Iemka

WATCH: Ancient mummy shroud discovered

Dr. Margaret Maitland, a museum curator at the National Museum of Scotland, discovered an ancient Egyptian burial cloth depicting the deceased, Iemka, as an Egyptian god.
April 4, 2017
Tehran anti-US protest

Is Iran a Paper Tiger?

Iranian officials often boast about their military technology advancements and call for the destruction of Israel, yet these claims might ring hollow.
March 30, 2017
Tim Allen

WATCH: Hollywood is ‘like ’30s Germany’

Hollywood celebrity Tim Allen became defensive when asked about his attendance at Trump’s inauguration, saying, “You’ve got to be careful. You’re going to get beat up if you don’t believe what everybody believes. This is like '30s Germany.”
March 27, 2017
Killing of Voronenkov in Ukraine

Former Russian politician killed in Ukraine

The Kremlin completely denies Ukraine's accusations against Russia of "state terrorism" for alleged involvement in the killing of a former Russian lawmaker on Thursday in Kiev.
March 23, 2017
Donald Trump at the White House

WATCH: Trump ‘somewhat’ vindicated after Obama surveillance revealed

President Donald Trump, responding to question of whether he feels vindicated by the revelation by congressman that the Obama administration allowed the unmasking of the identities of Trump transition team members surveilled by intelligence agencies, even though no criminal or Russian connections were found...
March 23, 2017
gence Committee Chairman Davin Nunes

US House: Trump’s team monitored by US intelligence

The revelations of the intelligence community's apparent and 'incidental' surveillance of Trump's transition team were made as a Congressional probe is conducted into Obama's alleged wiretapping of Trump in the 2016 campaign.
March 23, 2017