Trump: ‘I don’t buy Tlaib’s tears, she hates Israel’

The U.S. president reacted to comments issued yesterday by Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, who were banned from entering Israel for promoting a movement that seeks its elimination.

By World Israel News Staff

On Tuesday, the President of the United States took to his social media platform of choice, Twitter, to respond to statements by congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.

The statements were made at a press conference in St. Paul, Minnesota called by the lawmakers to address the ban issued by Israel that bars them from entering the country. The congresswomen were banned pursuant to an Israeli law that permits denying entry to those who suport boycotts of the Jewish state, of which Tlaib and Omar are vocal supporters.

“Sorry, I don’t buy Rep. Tlaib’s tears,” Trump tweeted.

“I have watched her violence, craziness and, most importantly, WORDS, for far too long. Now tears? She hates Israel and all Jewish people. She is an anti-Semite,” added Trump.

Trump’s reference to tears related to Tlaib’s crying throughout the press conference, particularly when she mentioned her family in Samaria. After Tlaib was barred, she requested permission to visit her elderly grandmother in a village in Samaria, which Israel granted.

Tlaib rejected the permission because of the conditions placed on her entry to the Jewish state, which included not openly promoting an anti-Israel agenda while she visited. Tlaib refused to accede to this rule.

Read  What is Rashida Tlaib furious about now?

The itinerary Tlaib and Omar presented to Israel listed “Palestinian” as their destination and was sponsored by a Palestinian organization called Miftah that has promoted anti-Semitic content and expressed support for terrorism in the past.

“She and her 3 friends are the new face of the Democrat Party. Live with it!” Trump concluded his tweet on Tuesday, referring ostensibly to Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley