‘Aggressive’ missionary couple in Chicago targets Jewish community

Costello missionary coupleCostello missionary couple

David and Rebekah Costello (Courtesy COLlive)

“The warning is that they are now more aggressive, more emboldened, more vocal than they were before.”

By World Israel News Staff

A missionary couple has infiltrated various Jewish communities over the past several years, most recently in Chicago, Beyneynu, a non-profit organization that monitors missionary activity in Israel and abroad, announced in a press release this week.

David and Rebekah Costello “were the subject of worldwide media coverage in 2019, when they were discovered in the Orthodox community of West Rogers Park in Chicago, IL. New information on the couple has come to light, which requires a strong response from Jewish communities worldwide,” the organization said.

“It is important to note that despite previously reported articles in the media, or personal inquiries, David nor Rebekah (Rivka) Costello are NOT Jewish. Beyneyu has conducted a thorough investigation including background checks, business affiliations, and a professional genealogical report,” the group added, providing a detailed history and supporting documentation.

The Costellos continue to reside within the Orthodox community of West Rogers Park in Chicago. However, Beyneynu said, “Since they were exposed in May of 2019, they have not been welcomed by any Orthodox synagogue, and enrollment of their children in local schools has been denied.”

Over the past year, Rebekah Costello has spoken to several people regarding an alleged conversion to Judaism and has posted about it on Facebook. However, the organization notes, she refuses to say which beit din (rabbinical court) she was working with.

“Considering the Costellos do not deny their belief in Jesus, and now openly post about their goals to bring orthodox Jews to Christianity, we have no reason to believe that the beit din in question is any legitimate or recognized authority on conversions,” Beyneynu stated.

“The warning is that they are now more aggressive, more emboldened, more vocal than they were before,” Shannon Nuszen, a former evangelical missionary and founder of Beyneynu, told World Israel News.

“They are targeting Jews and have established a messianic synagogue within the Jewish community. They flat-out state that they are trying to convert frum (Orthodox) Jews and establish a congregation of believers in center of the community,” she said.

The organization has outed a number of similar cases in recent years, noting the damage and pain this fruadulent activity inflicts on the victimized communities.

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