Arab attacks Israeli policeman in Jerusalem


Rock thrown by Arab (Israeli Police Spokesperson)

The Arab threw a stone at the policeman’s car while shouting nationalist slogans.

By David Isaac, World Israel News

An Arab from an eastern neighborhood in Jerusalem threw a stone at an Israeli policeman’s private vehicle on Monday morning. The Arab, about 50 years old, was arrested and taken for questioning.

The incident took place on Sultan Suleiman Street. The Arab shouted nationalist slogans as he carried out the vandalism.

Police said that damage was done to the vehicle and a police car parked nearby.

In another incident on Sunday, Arabs and Jews clashed in Samaria. The reasons behind the violence are still unclear. Four Israelis were lightly wounded and one Arab-Israeli moderately condition, having been shot by one of the Israelis during the attack.

The incident took place near the Arab village of Biddya, 20 miles southwest of Shechem (Nablus).

The Israelis maintain that it was an attempted lynch. Police are investigating.

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