British Israel-haters drive through London calling for rape of Jewish women

Pro-Palestinian protestors shout antisemitic slogans in London, May 16, 2021. (YouTube/Screenshot)

Four men arrested for racist hate crime released on bail. London mayor says police are giving added protection to the Jewish community.

By Paul Shindman, World Israel News

Four men arrested in London for driving through the city shouting anti-Semitic hate slogans on loudspeakers were released on bail, the city’s Metropolitan Police announced Tuesday.

Following a large anti-Israel rally held on the weekend, videos uploaded to social media showed cars waving Palestinians flags driving through London while somebody on a loudspeaker shouted anti-Semitic slurs inciting violence against Jews.

“F*** the Jews… F*** all of them. F*** their mothers, f*** their daughters and show your support for Palestine. Rape their daughters and we have to send a message like that. Please do it for the poor children in Gaza,” the men yelled in at least two recorded incidents, the Daily Mail reported.

Using license plates from the videos, police detectives traced the cars and arrested four men, who were subsequently bailed out of jail.

“Police received reports of people shouting anti-Semitic abuse … the police helicopter was deployed and officers stopped the car,” a police statement said.

“Four men were arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated public order offenses. They were taken into custody at a west London police station,” but police said they were “released on bail pending further enquiries in relation to both incidents.”

Speaking in a television interview, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said he was in close contact with senior police commanders about the hate crimes and added that security protection for the Jewish community was being beefed up.

He slammed the anti-Israel protesters for using the Gaza conflict “as an excuse to be anti-Semitic and racist. There is no excuse for that,” he said, calling the incidents “race crimes.”

Khan said Jews in London would see increased police presence around synagogues and Jewish schools.

“The impact of this criminal behavior has a ripple of fear effect on Jewish Londoners and those across the country,” Khan said.

Police were also investigating one of their own officers who was filmed at a protest joining the protestors chanting “free free Palestine.”

“While officers are encouraged to positively engage with those attending demonstrations, they know they are not to actively participate or adopt political positions,” the Metropolitan Police tweeted. “This is vital to ensuring the public have confidence in our officers.”

Police added that their Directorate of Professional Standards was informed of the video “and are investigating the full circumstances of this incident and to determine what further action is appropriate” against the officer.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted his outrage at the anti-Semitism, saying on the weekend that “I stand with Britain’s Jews who should not have to endure the type of shameful racism we have seen today.”

He was joined by opposition Labour party leader Keir Starmer who called the incident “utterly disgusting.”

“Anti-Semitism, misogyny and hate have no place on our streets or in our society,” Starmer said. “There must be consequences.”

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