Corbyn cutting into Boris Johnson’s lead day before UK elections

Britain's Labour party leader Jeremy CorbynBritain's Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn

Britain's Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn (AP/Frank Augstein)

Conservative party still expected to win a slim majority in Parliament.

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

A day before Great Britain goes to elections, the Labour party has managed to trim the Conservative party’s lead down from double digits for the first time by focusing on serious problems in the health care system.

In the last survey before the country heads to the ballot box, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s party is now predicted to win an outright though slim majority of 28 Parliamentary seats, with a 43 percent share of the vote, vs. Labour with 34 percent.

This is not necessarily a comfortable lead, as the YouGov poll’s political research manager pointed out in the Daily Express.

“The margins are extremely tight,” Chris Curtis said, “and small swings in a small number of seats, perhaps from tactical voting and a continuation of Labour’s recent upward trend, means we can’t currently rule out a hung parliament. As things currently stand there are 85 seats with a margin of error of five percent or less.”

Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour has gained support over the last two days after photos of children in hospital hallways were published in the pro-Labour Daily Mirror. The first showed a four-year-old being attended to by a doctor while lying on the floor because there was no bed for him.

Johnson scored an own-goal when he refused to look at the picture. The paper printed another photoe the next day in which  a mother is holding a nine-month-old on a hospital hallway couch. The article said they had waited there for six hours due to the lack of space.

Johnson is campaigning hard, hitting at the Labour party’s socialist platform and its non-commitment to Brexit – the controversial plan to leave the European Union, which the British voted for in a referendum in 2016.

The conservative leader also warned against anti-Semitism. “It would mean this country would be led by a Hamas-backing, IRA-supporting, anti-Semitism-condoning appeaser of the Kremlin, that is what he is, just look at the record,” he said.

Fifteen former Labour MPs took out advertisements Wednesday in northern newspapers to warn of the the dangers in voting for Jeremy Corbyn, noting the rise of anti-Semitism in Labour and accusing the leftist leader of being “weak on national security.”

Nearly half of British Jewry have said that they would consider leaving the country if Corbyn is elected.

Britain’s chief rabbi took the unprecedented step, warning: “A new poison – sanctioned from the very top – has taken root” in the Labour party, and that “the very soul of our nation is at stake.”

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