Deputy health minister has ‘clear conscious’ amid investigations

Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman arrives at his home in Jerusalem on August 6, 2019.Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman arrives at his home in Jerusalem on August 6, 2019.

Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman arrives at his home in Jerusalem, August 6, 2019. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

“I did not act in these cases that have been investigated, as in any other case, with improper motives,” said Litzman.

By World Israel News Staff

Deputy Health Minister Yaakiv Litzman said Tuesday that he has a “clear conscious” despite accusations he abused his position at the ministry to prevent the extradition of an accused child molester to Australia to face punishment and of working to keep open a food business owned by an associate.

The eatery was slated to be closed down due to uncleanliness that caused several customers to fall ill.

“I did not act in these cases that have been investigated, as in any other case, with improper motives,” said Litzman, addressing a medical conference in Jerusalem.

“Dealing with public inquiries is of the utmost importance, and I have always acted to help anyone only according to the law,” the deputy minister insisted. He added that he was convinced that the attorney general and other authorities would also reach the same conclusion in the current cases.

Litzman told the audience that he was barred from getting into any greater detail in his public comments.

Questions have been raised over whether he could continue to serve as deputy health minister considering that the prosecution’s witnesses include senior ministry employees who might feel pressured not to speak out as long as Litzman remains in the position.

In a third case, Litzman is suspected of improperly interfering with the Ministry of Health psychological health center and other ministries on behalf of prisoners seeking early release.

The police want Litzman charged with bribery, fraud, breach of trust, and persuading persons to commit perjury.

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