Despite Black National Anthem playing at NFL games, Colin Kaepernick still not happy

Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick (AP/Tony Avelar)

Kaepernick seemed angry about the fact that a former teammate of his, Eric Reid, is still a free agent.

By David Isaac, World Israel News

Nothing seems to please former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. He criticized the NFL on Sunday during this season’s first full day of games despite social justice initiatives everywhere.

Kaepernick seemed angry about the fact that a former teammate of his, Eric Reid, is still a free agent and hasn’t yet been picked up by a team, Fox News reports.

“While the NFL runs propaganda about how they care about Black Life, they are still actively blackballing Eric Reid (@E_Reid35) for fighting for the Black community. Eric set 2 franchise records last year, and is one of the best defensive players in the league,” Kaepernick wrote.

Reid, who plays safety, is considered a good player. He was released from the Carolina Panthers in March 2019. He was also the first player to join Kaepernick in taking a knee during the National Anthem when they both played for the San Francisco 49ers.

Kaepernick appeared to ignore, or dismiss, the remarkable sea change that has taken place in the National Football League since he first started taking a knee during America’s anthem in September 2016.

On Sunday, there were social justice initiatives everywhere. The Houston Texans and Kansas City Chiefs players stood arm-in-arm as pro-Black Lives Matter messages flashed on the scoreboard before their opening game.

Other teams raised fists in protest or stayed off the field entirely for the “Star-Spangled Banner” and the Black anthem “Lift Every Voice and Sing” as the once-reluctant league brought racial injustice to the forefront.

In Atlanta, the teams wore armbands honoring civil rights leader John Lewis and staged the most striking of the day’s gestures: They barely flinched as the opening kickoff landed beyond the end line, took a knee, and remained there for about 10 seconds before trotting off the field to resume the game.

Lewis, the Georgia Congressman who died in July, was an honorary captain for the game. The Falcons also wore shirts with his quote: “The Vote is the most powerful, nonviolent change agent you have in a democratic society.”

AP contributed to this report.

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