Former Miss Iraq proves once more her staunch pro-Israel bona fides

Sarah IdanSarah Idan

Former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan (Instagram/Sarahidan)

Former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan defended Israel in a series of tweets over the weekend. 

By David Isaac, World Israel News 

Former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan, 29, who has been outspoken in her support for Israel, again proved herself a most effective defender of the Jewish state in a series of tweets over the weekend.

Most recently, on Sunday, she responded to a tweet taking issue with an earlier comment she made that Gaza wasn’t occupied.

“The irony of you calling me sick and saying Israel deserve [sic] 10,000 rockets while I condemn an act of war firing 600 rockets from civilian areas in Gaza,” she tweeted.

“You don’t even think about Palestinian families live there pay for Hamas mistakes, cause revenge is more important,” she added.

Miss Idan referred to the fact that Gaza terrorists use the civilian population as human shields in order to deter Israeli fire. Sometimes the terrorists’ own fire does the damage. A misfired Islamic Jihad rocket in fact killed a baby in the Gaza Strip during the latest round of fighting.

On Friday, Miss Idan picked apart a tweet by Women’s March activist Linda Sarsour, who has been repeatedly accused of anti-Semitism.

Miss Idan tweeted in response to Sarsour, “1-protestors who have access to 600 rockets aren’t ‘just protestors’ 2-Assault on Gaza? Remind me who started firing? & who was the target? 3-to fire from civilians [sic] areas knowing there would be counterattack is sickening 4-but even more sickening is that you defend terrorism.”

The recent tweets follow ones Miss Idan made on Thursday criticizing an anti-Israel rant from Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters, who urged a boycott of Eurovision, an annual song contest being hosted in Israel this week.

“An artist has power to inspire. Make sure you use your power for good and to bring people together,” Idan said in a tweet.

“I never understood artists who boycott an entire country, you’re singing for people not for governments,” she added later.

The former beauty queen made her comments in response to a post by the blog Israellycool about a recent anti-Israel video Waters posted to Facebook. Waters is a virulent supporter of the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to isolate Israel internationally.

Miss Idan has visited Israel and has become friendly with Miss Israel Adar Gandelsman. When Idan took a picture together with Gandelsman at the Miss Universe pageant in Las Vegas in 2017, she refused to delete it despite pressure.

However, due to death threats as a result of the selfie and her pro-Israel comments, Miss Idan and her family have fled Iraq. She now lives in the U.S.

Miss Gandelsman and Miss Idan can be seen in the video below giving a speech at the AJC Global Forum in 2018.

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