Gantz calls for unity amid worrying signs of splits on left

Blue and White party chairman Benny Gantz (Flash90/Hadas Parush)

The opposition leader made a plea to the left-wing parties for responsibility and unity if they are to defeat Netanyahu.

By World Israel News Staff

Blue and White leader Benny Gantz warned against splits among the opposition at a party meeting near Tel Aviv on Wednesday. He said unity was needed in order to topple Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“In order to stand up to our mission, we need to call for two things: The first is that all the parties that want an exchange of government will work with responsibility and will put aside personal ego and politics,” Gantz said.

Gantz’s comments were widely viewed as directed at the failed effort of the Democratic Union to unite with Labor-Gesher. Labor leader Amir Peretz has been handed the blame for opposing the union.

Gantz also said, “The second thing that needs to happen is that anyone who wants a change will run to the ballot box. We are in an emergency situation for Israeli society…. This is not the time to expect miracles in the spirit of Chanukah, this is the time for all of us to go out and make the right civil act. To extricate Israel from the corruption and the controversy and go in a new direction.”

“At this time, Israel needs a broad, stable and strong unity government. A government that will put an end to the prime minister’s legal affairs – and put Israel’s citizens first and foremost,” Gantz said.

Stav Shaffir, a former member of the Labor party who broke away to join the Democratic Union, also warned on Wednesday that the left-wing must unite. She threatened a further split if it doesn’t – to go her own way and run alone as the Green party, which she heads.

“What is happening on the left is not a political camp – it’s the Titanic. I have no intention of crashing into an iceberg, but rather to ensure that there is an alternative to the government here,” Shaffir said.

“If at this historical moment, the people on the Titanic are unable to join forces and save the state – they have no political and public right to exist,” she said.

She also held out a fig leaf for unity.

“If they smarten up and go for unity in the left-wing camp – we will come with open arms and with the energies we knew how to bring in the previous round. If they decide to continue with the suicide – we will run with all our might,” she said.

Shaffir said that she hasn’t yet given up her efforts for unity among the left-wing parties.

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