Gazan terrorists launch arson attacks on Israel, causing at least 8 fires

Masked members of Hamas terrorist organization preparing helium balloons with incendiary material to be flown into Israel aiming to cause casualties and damages, May 8, 2021. (Photo Credit: Majdi Fathi/TPS)

The attacks come after Gazans rioted on the border with Israel, violent clashes in which an Israeli soldier was critically wounded.


Gazan terrorists launched a barrage of arson balloons into Israel on Monday, igniting fires and causing damage to several fields in southern Israel.

Firefighting forces were alerted to locations eight locations throughout the areas adjacent to the Gaza Strip to contend with the outcome of the arson attacks.

No one was injured in the attacks.

The attacks come after Gazans rioted on the border with Israel, violent clashes in which an Israeli soldier was critically wounded, and after Gazan terrorist launched two rockets at the city of Sderot a week ago, an attack to which Israel did not respond.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has declared that Israel will respond to every attack, including incendiary balloons.

Hamas has stated it will step up its attacks on Israel with the objective of pressuring it into accepting its demands regarding the entry of goods into Gaza, the “lifting of the siege” on the enclave, and the payment of Qatari funds to its employees.

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