Greenblatt blasts Abbas: He condemns plan but ignores Palestinians’ biggest problem

Former Mideast Envoy Jason Greenblatt (Flash90/Marc Israel Sellem)

Greenblatt ripped into Abbas after the latter’s speech on Saturday at an Arab League meeting. 

By World Israel News Staff

Jason Greenblatt, former Middle East envoy and one of the architects of Trump’s Mideast peace plan, slammed Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday for his outright rejection of the U.S. administration’s efforts to broker a solution to the Arab-Israel conflict.

“Pres. Abbas speaks to Arab League/condemns plan intended to create a bright future for Palestinians but no one there speaks about 1 of the biggest problems for Palestinians- Iran-funded terrorists-Hamas/PIJ-who cause much suffering for Palestinians & Israelis. Time for the truth!” Greenblatt tweeted.

At a Saturday emergency meeting of the Arab League called together to create a united front against the peace plan, Abbas denounced the American efforts.

“I reject the plan outright,” Abbas said. “I will not go down in history as the one who sold Jerusalem.”

Abbas said, “I was surprised by Trump’s announcement of the peace deal. The Americans called and told me that Trump wanted to send me the deal so that I could read it. I refused. They tried to get me on the phone with him a few times. I refused.”

“According to the plan, an undivided Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and Al Aqsa Mosque as well will be divided in terms of days and times for prayer. Regarding Al Aqsa, they wrote ‘the Temple Mount.’ Meaning one day, they (the Jews – ed.) will pray there, and one day we will,” he said.

Abbas also said he told Israel and the U.S. that “there will be no relations with them, including the security ties” if terms of the deal are implemented.

In 10 days, Abbas will speak to the United Nations Security Council about the peace plan, Palestinian UN envoy Riyad Mansour said on Wednesday.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon said, “Abu Mazen [Abbas] needs to understand that speeches in New York would lead to a solution to the problem between Jerusalem and Ramallah. We’ll work in order that the international community will recognize – Abu Mazen is the only one refusing peace.”

Greenblatt criticized the PA last week as well.

“The PA should read the plan & realize it provides a path to a bright future for Palestinians if it’s leadership actually leads. Time to take responsibility, stop hiding behind a rejectionist philosophy & work toward a promising future for all Palestinians,” Greenblatt tweeted on Jan. 26.

The U.S. plan would eventually grant the Palestinians a state in parts of Judea and Samaria, while allowing Israel to extend sovereignty over Jewish communities in that region and maintain control over its capital, Jerusalem.

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