Hezbollah fumes as US airlifts American prisoner out of Lebanon

President Donald Trump and freed U.S. prisoner Amer Fakhoury. (Twitter)

The Lebanese-American man left Beirut in a U.S. Marine V-22 Osprey after facing charges in a military tribunal that he vehemently denied.

By World Israel News and AP

Lebanon’s foreign minister summoned the U.S. ambassador Friday after an American on trial in Beirut was taken out of the country by a U.S. warplane — a move that the Hezbollah terror group called a “blatant violation” of Lebanese sovereignty and laws.

The Lebanese-American man, Amer Fakhoury, was ordered released Monday by a judge in Lebanon because more than 10 years had passed since he allegedly committed the offenses in question, which he vehemently denies. Another military tribunal contested the release a day later, banning Fakhoury from leaving the country until its appeal was heard.

Fakhoury allegedly worked at a jail run by a Lebanese militia where Lebanese prosecutors claim he tortured prisoners.

“American citizen Amer Fakhoury, who has been in detention in Lebanon since September, is returning to the United States where he will be reunited with his family and receive urgent medical treatment,” said an official statement from U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “His return comes as a relief to those who have followed the case with grave concern. We are relieved to be able to welcome him back home.”

Fakhoury was transferred on Thursday amid unclear circumstances, and U.S. officials later confirmed that he was aboard a U.S. Marine V-22 Osprey seen taking off from the U.S. Embassy compound northeast of Beirut. The officials said he was being returned to the United States.

U.S. President Donald Trump thanked the Lebanese government for working with his administration to release Fakhoury, further muddying the waters over the circumstances of his removal from the country, which has come under strong criticism in Lebanon.

Lebanon’s official National News Agency said Foreign Minister Nasif Hitti sought an explanation from U.S. Ambassador Dorothy Shea for the circumstances of Fakhoury’s exit.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said there was no deal made to secure the release of Fakhoury, claiming that numerous Lebanese politicians, judges and security and military figures had come under intense U.S. pressure to release him, including some who he alleged were threatened with sanctions.

Nasrallah didn’t name those who were pressured but said that when he was asked internally and privately about how to respond to the pressure, he said it was not proper to “succumb to such pressure.”

Nasrallah said he learned of the tribunal’s decision to release Fakhoury from the media.

“The smuggling happened from the embassy (in northeast Beirut) in that manner that you saw, a blatant violation of the Lebanese sovereignty, the Lebanese judiciary and the Lebanese law,” Nasrallah said in an 80-minute televised speech, more than half of which was devoted to the matter.

Nasrallah said he supports an investigation into the issue to determine responsibility.

Fakhoury’s case had put a significant strain on already troubled ties between the U.S. and Lebanon. Lawmakers in Washington had threatened to withhold critical aid to the country and impose sanctions on the Lebanese military, which represents a bulwark against the Iranian-backed Islamic terror faction Hezbollah.

Fakhoury, a New Hampshire restaurant owner who received U.S. citizenship last year, had been imprisoned in Lebanon since September, when he returned to visit family. Fakhoury was diagnosed with Stage 4 lymphoma and had been hospitalized in Lebanon.

A senior US official, speaking to reporters on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly, said there was no deal made to secure Fakhoury’s release. The official ruled out the possibility that a promise was made to send aid or to release Lebanese prisoners held in the U.S.

The official also denied Washington is in talks with Hezbollah. A Lebanese businessman accused of financing Hezbollah has been serving a five-year sentence in the U.S. since 2018.

The U.S. official said Fakhoury’s release was ensured by “competent judicial authorities,” adding that Fakhoury was “wrongfully” detained.

Fakhoury was a member of the South Lebanon Army and had been accused of torturing prisoners at a jail run by the militia. The SLA was allied with Israel against the brutal Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon. His family and lawyer say that while he did work at the prison, he did not have any contact with inmates.

Lebanon and Israel have been officially at war since Israel’s creation in 1948. Lebanon bans its citizens from traveling to Israel or having contact with Israelis.

Fakhoury’s lawyer and family say he fled Lebanon in 2001 through Israel and eventually to the United States because of death threats he and many other members of the South Lebanon Army received.

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