Horned QAnon ‘Shaman’ will testify against Trump

Jacob Anthony Chansley, known as the QAnon Shaman, outside the US Capitol, Jan. 6, 2021. (Shutterstock)

Lawyer for poster-boy of the Capitol riots says his client is willing to testify at the impeachment trial of Donald Trump.

By World Israel News Staff

The “QAnon Shaman” who became famous from photographs of him storming the U.S. Capitol while wearing a horned bearskin headdress is prepared to testify at former President Donald Trump’s upcoming impeachment trial, Fox News reported Friday.

Jacob Anthony Chansley is one of the most visible characters among the mob that tried to take over the Capitol building January 6. Carrying an American flag and a megaphone, Chansley’s outlandish appearance included the horned helmet, his face painted red, white and blue, and going shirtless to show off massive patterned tattoos.

When Trump did not include him in the list of people who received pardons, Chansley’s lawyer, Albert Watkins, told KSDK-TV in St. Louis last week that the man who calls himself the “QAnon Shaman” regretted being “duped” by the former president and lamented “being in a position where he allowed that duping to put him in a position to make decisions he should not have made.”

The QAnon conspiracy theory alleges that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against Trump, who was fighting the cabal.

According to the Department of Justice, Chansley is “charged with knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.” He is one of 145 people charged so far with offenses related to the incident ranging from illegal entry to assaulting police officers. Five people including a police officer were killed during the storming of the building.

Watkins told the Associated Press that it is important for senators to hear the voice of someone who was allegedly incited by Trump. He admitted, however, that he has not yet spoken to any legislators to offer his client as a witness at the pending impeachment trial of the former president that is scheduled to begin in two weeks.

Chansley was arrested and indicted in his home state of Arizona on January 8 and is scheduled to appear in a Washington, D.C. court on Friday to be arraigned.

In the TV interview last week, Watkins said his client was practically “invited” into the Capitol by Trump and egged on to take extreme action to reverse the election results.

Chansley has been photographed in his attire at many Trump rallies, but according to a court document, the day after the Capitol riots, “Chansley called in to the Washington Field Office of the FBI to voluntarily speak with law enforcement.”

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