IDF: At least 10 terror attacks thwarted in past 2 weeks

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi in Samaria, April 1, 2022. (IDF)

“Even at this moment, we are focused on thwarting further attacks.”

By David Hellerman, World Israel News

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi disclosed on Monday night that the IDF thwarted at least 10 Palestinian terror attacks in the last two weeks.

“At least 10 terror attacks have been prevented in the past two weeks, thanks to intelligence and operations. Even at this moment, we are focused on thwarting further attacks,” Kohavi said in remarks at an Air Force ceremony.

“This is the IDF’s main mission at the moment. We will act wherever, as required, and using all methods to stop terrorism,” he added.

Kohavi did not provide further details about the thwarted attacks.

In the span of eight days in March, 11 Israelis were killed in terror attacks in Beersheba, Hadera and Bnei Brak.

Tensions are especially high with the month-long Islamic holiday of Ramadan having begun on Saturday. According to a Dutch study cited by the Jerusalem Post, “Ramadan brought with it a 200% increase in terrorist attacks in Israel between 2005 and 2016.”

Meanwhile, Israel’s Kan News reported that in Gaza, Hamas has prevented Palestinian Islamic Jihad from firing rockets at Israel. Islamic Jihad has vowed to avenge the deaths of three of its operatives who were killed by Israeli security forces in a shootout on Friday. Israeli officials described the terror cell as a “ticking time bomb,” preparing to carry out a mass casualty attack.

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