Iran claims new US sanctions breach nuclear deal

Abbas Araghchi (AP/Vahid Salemi)

Iran threatens to retaliate against the new US sanctions that President Trump signed into law.

Iran claims that the new US sanctions on Tehran signed by President Donald Trump on Wednesday constitute a “breach” of the controversial 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

Iranian state TV’s website on Thursday quoted deputy foreign minister and senior nuclear negotiator, Abbas Araghchi, as saying that the “deal is breached.”

He warned that Iran will come up with a “smart” reaction to the sanctions, and won’t get “entangled in US policies.”

Araghchi says Iran has prepared a list of 16 measures it would take against the US action. He did not elaborate, but said some measures “improve” Iran’s armed forces.

The US sanctions, approved by Congress in a 419-3 vote, impose penalties on people involved in Iran’s ballistic missile program, enforce an arms embargo and apply terrorism sanctions to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard (IRGC).

The sanctions target 18 entities and people supporting Iran’s ballistic missile program and Iran’s military procurement or the IRGC, as well as an “Iran-based transnational criminal organization and associated persons.”

Democrats who supported the sanctions said the new penalties on Iran don’t conflict with the Iran nuclear deal.

The new sanctions on Iran are an effort to put additional pressure on Tehran and its  developing missile and weapons programs, while seeking to keep in place the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and several world powers.

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Trump’s signing of sanctions legislation sends a powerful message to US foes that “they will be held accountable for their actions.”

Ryan added that the sanctions directly target “the destructive and destabilizing activities of Iran, Russia, and North Korea.”

He vowed that the US will continue to use “every instrument of American power to defend this nation and the people we serve.”

Responding to the House vote in support of the sanctions, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani threatened last Wednesday to respond if the legislation becomes law.

Without providing details, Rouhani said in a cabinet meeting that Iran will “take any action that is necessary for the country’s expedience and interests.”

By: AP and World Israel News Staff

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