Iran: US travel ban is ‘racist’ and ‘unfair’ 

Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram GhasemiForeign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi (Mehr news)

Iran slammed the latest version of the travel ban as “racist” and “unfair.”

Iran says the US Supreme Court’s decision to reinstate parts of a travel ban applied to six Muslim-majority countries is “racist” and “unfair.”

Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi was quoted by State TV Wednesday as saying it was “regrettable” that Washington “closes its eyes to the main perpetrators of terrorist acts in the US,” without elaborating.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the “bigoted ban on Muslims will not keep US safer.”

“Instead of policies empowering extremists, US should join the real fight against them,” he tweeted on Tuesday.

The previous day, the Supreme Court allowed President Donald Trump to move ahead with a limited version of his ban on travelers from Iran, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Somalia. The justices will hear full arguments in October in the case.

The administration says the restrictions are needed to keep out terrorists while it tightens vetting procedures.

By: AP and World Israel News Staff

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