Police recover Torah scrolls stolen by Palestinians

Israeli forces with one of the recovered scrolls. (COGAT Twitter)

A joint Israeli-Palestinian operation brought about the return of stolen Torah scrolls. 

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Israeli forces have successfully recovered five Torah scrolls that were stolen by Palestinians last week and smuggled into Hebron.

The Israel Police stated that this incident ended successfully thanks to its “positive relationship” with the Palestinian police. The two enforcement agencies routinely work together to fight crime in Israel that originates in the Palestinian Authority, including solving murder cases, drug offenses and property theft.

IDF’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) stated Sunday evening that the stolen Torah scrolls have been returned to the central Israel synagogue that owns them.  The holy scrolls were stolen  from the Beit David synagogue in Jaffa early Thursday morning.

According to COGAT, the scrolls were recovered thanks to a combined effort of the IDF’s Hebron  Liaison, the  Israel’s Police and the Palestinian Police.

COGAT oversees the implementation of civil and humanitarian policies in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.


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