Netanyahu: My relationship with Trump is excellent

PM Netanyahu speaks to members of the Christian press. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Netanyahu says his relationship with Trump is beneficial for the battle against Iran’s nuclear program.  

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu categorized his relationship with President Donald Trump as “excellent,” saying there is “a sense of warmth and an instinctive understanding on many important things” between the two of them.

Addressing the Christian Media Summit in Jerusalem on Sunday, Netanyahu was asked about his relationship with Trump.

“[It’s] no secret that your relationship with our former president [Barack] Obama was a bit different. How is it going with Trump now?” a reporter asked Netanyahu.

“Our relationship is fine, it’s excellent actually, and there’s, I think, a sense of warmth and an instinctive understanding on many important things,” Netanyahu replied.

Netanyahu explained that while he had “differences” with Obama, “like on Iran and a few other things,” the strained relationship “didn’t really alter the solidity of the American-Israeli alliance. We also signed a [Memorandum of Undestanding] that I appreciate, I don’t forget, it was important. So I think there is a basic alliance there that transcends differences that we may have over particular issues.”

However, Netanyahu stressed that “the issue of Iran wasn’t just another issue. The issue of Iran is existential for us.”

Since Trump’s entry into office, Netanyahu thinks “there’s been a change with regard to this central issue, because I think President Trump correctly identifies that Iran is not the solution but perhaps the problem in the Middle East. The problem. The source of so much aggression, so much terror and so much misery.”

Netanyahu lauded Trump for his “very courageous step” on Friday declaring that the US would not recertify the Iranian nuclear accord, heralding a new and tougher stance toward Tehran.

“[Trump] could have kicked the can forward, he could have said, well it’s not going to happen on my watch, so why should I deal with it,” but instead, “He said, no, it’s the duty of leaders, and it’s perhaps the most difficult duty of leaders, to ward off danger before it becomes apparent to everyone, because when it becomes apparent to everyone, it may be too late.”

Netanyahu again expressed his appreciation for what Trump did on this point, “which is obviously very important for Israel, but also I think very important for the United States and for the future of the world.”

By: World Israel News Staff

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