New study finds more than two-thirds of dedicated Corbyn supporters hold anti-Semitic views

Jeremy Corbyn, former leader of Britain's Labour Party. (AP/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

The poll revealed that 84% of British Jews believe Jeremy Corbyn to be a threat to the Jewish community.

By Karys Rhea, The Algemeiner

A new study on anti-Semitism in the U.K. found that more than two-thirds of strong supporters of Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn hold at least one anti-Semitic view. It also found that far-left hatred of Jews is now more prevalent than far-right Jew-hatred in Britain, with 60% of the former believing at least one stereotype.

The study, called the “Anti-Semitism Barometer,” was commissioned by YouGov at the request of the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism and was released on November 30.

The poll revealed that 84% of British Jews believe Jeremy Corbyn to be a threat to the Jewish community, with 42% having considered leaving the country in the past two years due to anti-Semitism, a scale that is “unprecedented since medieval times,” according to the report.

Almost half of British Jews cite not feeling comfortable identifying as Jewish in public.

“People will find it utterly chilling that in 2019, large swathes of the Jewish community are considering the drastic step of leaving the country they love because they fear racism in our politics,” stated Gideon Falter, Chief Executive of Campaign against Anti-Semitism.

“Far from being the champion of anti-racism that it holds itself out to be, the far-left is now home to even more anti-Jewish bigotry than the far-right,” he continued. “Nowhere is that more obvious than in the Labour Party, where Jeremy Corbyn is now the politician of choice for anti-Semites.”

In the last year, over a dozen MPs and three peers have resigned from the Labour Party citing its institutionalized anti-Semitism. Many MEPs, councilors, and members have also left in protest.

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