One year after last attack, Anne Frank Memorial in Idaho vandalized again

The vandalized Anne Frank memorial in Boise Idaho. (Facebook/Wassmuth Center for Human Rights/Screenshot)The vandalized Anne Frank memorial in Boise Idaho. (Facebook/Wassmuth Center for Human Rights/Screenshot)

The vandalized Anne Frank memorial in Boise Idaho. (Facebook/Wassmuth Center for Human Rights/Screenshot)

The memorial has been vandalized with graffiti, swastikas and threatening flyers on multiple occasions.

By World Israel News staff

The Anne Frank Memorial in Boise, Idaho was vandalized by graffiti on Saturday, the city’s police department reported.

In a Tweet, Police Cheif Ryan Lee recognized the significance of the incident happening on the last Shabbat of Chanukah.

“We are reaching out to Jewish leaders in our community to let them know we will not stand for such hateful and abhorrent behavior in our city,” he said.

Boise Parks and Recreation began cleaning the memorial after the incident was discovered. The sole Anne Frank memorial in the United States life-size bronze statue of the girl holding her diary.

The attack comes almost exactly a year after was vandalized with swastikas and threatening flyers in December, 2020. At the time, Lee called the vandalism “absolutely reprehensible” and said his department had launched an investigation.

It remains unclear if the incidents are related.

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