Palestinians attack Jews in Sheikh Jarrah; pregnant woman hit with rock

Israeli security forces clash with Palestinian protesters outside a home of a Jewish family in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah on May 8, 2021. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

Twenty people, including a pregnant Jewish woman, were injured as property dispute continues to burn.

By World Israel News Staff

Clashes broke out on Monday evening in Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, with Palestinians throwing Molotov cocktails, fireworks and stones at Jewish homes, Jewish residents reported.

Twenty people were injured, including a pregnant Jewish woman who was hit in the head by rock. Police officials said four arrests were made.

Jewish residents responded with pepper spray and stones. A video purportedly from the scene circulated on social media showing Jews and Palestinians throwing chairs at each other over a police barricade.

The Palestinian Red Crescent accused Jews of stoning an ambulance.

Police responded with non-lethal crowd-dispersal weapons, including the skunk water cannon, tear gas, and sponge-tipped bullets.

The Sheikh Jarrah property dispute concerns a series of orders issued by Jerusalem’s Magistrate Court to evict Palestinian squatters from a building. The Jewish owners, who traced their ownership claims with documents dating back to the Ottoman period, waged a decades-long legal battle to recover their property.

The Magistrate’s Court ruling was upheld on appeal by the Jerusalem District Court. Lawyers representing the Palestinians have filed an appeal with the Israeli Supreme Court.

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