Palestinians burn effigy of Trump at anti-US rally

Palestinians burn an effigy of Donald Trump in Nablus. (PMW)

At a demonstration in Nablus on Tuesday, Abbas’ likely successor cheered as Palestinians burned an effigy of Trump, hanging it from a noose.

By: World Israel News Staff

Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party staged an anti-US event in Nablus on Tuesday apparently designed to express support for the ailing leader’s rejection of US President Donald Trump’s “deal of the century” peace plan.

The rally culminated in a fiery display expressing disdain for Trump, with one Palestinian hanging an effigy of Trump from a noose while another set it ablaze, reported Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

As the life-size Trump doll burned, the crowd cheered, including Abbas’ deputy chairman, Mahmoud Al- Aloul, who many believe will succeed Abbas.

During the proceedings, one of the rally’s hosts shouted, “Nablus is now putting the deal of the century on trial! Nablus is now putting Trump’s deal on trial!”

In a photo from the rally, which took place in Nablus’ Martyrs Square, Aloul can be seen raising two fingers in the classic victory pose.

PA TV interviewed Aloul at the event, where he commented, “The public understands the weight of the pressures to which [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian leadership are being subjected by the US. It wants to execute its deal, which it called ‘the deal of the century,’ and which President Mahmoud Abbas is standing firm against and rejecting – he and the Palestinian leadership – most decisively,” reported PMW.

Since Trump announced last December that the US recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, signaling his intention to move the US’ embassy there, the PA severed diplomatic ties with the US.

As a result, Palestinian officials refused to meet with Trump’s envoys Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner when they recently visited a number of Middle East nations to generate support for a comprehensive peace plan to address the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

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