Petition protests addition of Nakba to Canadian school curriculum

Anti-Israel protestAnti-Israel protest

Anti-Israel protest near Mcgill University, Montreal, Canada. (Screenshot/Facebook)

‘The role of a teacher in a child’s life is paramount and should not be used to advance any political agenda.

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

In just two days, over 3,500 people have already signed a petition to protest a resolution by the  British Columbia Teachers Federation (BCTF) to include the Nakba alongside the Holocaust and Rwandan genocide in the 6 to 12th grade curriculum.

The petition was directed to Canada’s Education and Childcare Ministry and protested the addition of the Nakba, when Palestinians evacuated territories before the founding of the state of Israel as well as the so-called “occupation” of Gaza and Judea and Samaria in the curriculum.

The organizer of the petition, Mara Kleiner, wrote, “We are concerned parents that wish to petition the Ministry of Education & Childcare to outright reject this proposal.”

The petition continued, “The role of a teacher in a child’s life is paramount and should not be used to advance any political agenda.”

“By introducing such a change to the curriculum, it has the potential to increase targeted hatred of specific children thus creating an unsafe learning environment,” it explained.

The BCTF argued that topics of Naqba and the alleged “occupation” of Gaza and Judea and Samaria need to be included in the curriculum so they could be discussed when the subjects came up in the classroom.

The BCTF donated $50,000 CAD to UNRWA, the UN organization that was found to have a strong association with Palestinian terrorist groups, including Hamas.

In addition, the BCTF called for “an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages, and an end to occupations.”

In the current war between Hamas and Israel, the Canadian government has taken a decidedly pro-Palestinian stance, including a declaration to end arms sales to Israel, to restart UNRWA funding, and to unilaterally recognize a Palestinian State.

Canada said it would reinstate UNRWA funding even as investigations continue into the large number of its employees and their ties to Hamas.

It was discovered that at least 12 UNRWA employees directly participated in the October 7th atrocities, with one schoolteacher assisting in the kidnapping of an Israeli woman.

According to Israeli intelligence, at least 10% of UNRWA workers are directly involved with terrorist groups and 50% have family members belonging to Hamas or similar terrorist organizations.

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