Pro-Israel groups slam CAIR leader who calls for Israel’s ‘termination’

CAIR-Los Angeles executive director Hussam AyloushCAIR-Los Angeles executive director Hussam Ayloush

CAIR-Los Angeles executive director Hussam Ayloush. (JNS/Screenshot)

“All the people of that region will be better off once both murderous regimes are terminated,” said Hussam Ayloush, referring to Iran and Israel.


Hussam Ayloush, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Los Angeles, posted on Twitter over the weekend that “Iran’s regime calling Israel a ‘cancerous tumor’ is like the pot calling the kettle black. All the people of that region will be better off once both murderous regimes are terminated.”

In his tweet, Ayloush linked to an article from Daily Sabah of Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani calling Israel a “cancerous tumor.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to Rouhani’s remarks: “Rouhani’s slander, which calls for the destruction of Israel, proves yet again why the nations of the world need to join in the sanctions against the Iranian terrorist regime which threatens them.”

Pro-Israel leaders condemned Ayloush’s remarks.

“That CAIR employs someone who calls Israelis “zionazis” and wants Israel to be “terminated” comes as no surprise, for Ayloush has long been the most unhinged of CAIR’s leaders, calling also for the overthrow of the U.S. government,” Middle East Forum president Daniel Pipes told JNS. “But that the Democratic Party honors him with important positions is astounding and dismaying.”

“CAIR has a long history of being a vicious anti-Semitic Israel-hating group. They irrationally condemn the Jewish state, but never condemn the murderous actions of Hamas or Syria, or the Palestinian dictator and terrorist Abbas,” Zionist Organization of America national president Mort Klein told JNS. “By calling for the genocide of Israel, they join the moral horrors of the Nazis and Stalin, without their power, thank G-d.”

“His equation of the dictatorial, repressive Iranian regime and the free, democratic State of Israel is as unsurprising as it is repugnant,” Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values, told JNS. “It says nothing about Israel, but speaks volumes about CAIR and its underlying regard for human rights and American values.

CAIR did not respond to a request for comment.

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